Innovation takes differing forms since the foundation of a company, it is at constant risk of disappearing and focused efforts must be devoted to keeping it alive.


From Improva we will align and focus the organisational culture, corporate strategy and management systems and methodologies to favour and enhance the generation, selection and implementation of ideas.

Are we prepared to innovate?

Under the premises of learning, defining, formulating, designing and developing we will eliminate the usual innovation blockades, making each of the members of the organization participate.

Why Improva?

At Improva we don’t lend support to an innovative project, we show you how to innovate. We prepare you organisation to deal with innovation processes on a daily basis. You can find information here about our methodology.

In collaboration with Xavier Camps, author of the “How to become an innovative company” manual.

Support to Innovation

We can be your external innovation department if you wish, establishing a long-term trust relationship. We put our knowledge at your service, offering you flexibility and cost savings.

  • Innovation of the business model.
  • Product innovation.
  • Service innovation.
  • Customer experience innovation.
  • Innovation in positioning and communication.
  • Brand innovation.
  • Channel innovation.